Monday, March 9, 2009

A promise

Few years back when i first took design course in Toa, i promised my dad to design CI(corporate identity) for his company Team Two but through out the whole Toa life he couldn't able to see anythin from me.

During the first half of Toa life, i was totally a crappy bustard who can't even produce any presentable work. I think that time people around me would have see me in this way but they weren't wrong..... this i gotta admit! Gallivanting and fooling around would be my point of goin college that time.

I was just recalled the CI few days ago which is a lil too late, my dad company is no longer running due to some partnership issues. Feel so guilty about it, a promise that can't be fulfilled..... I'm a big time fuckie rascal.

Since today is Sunday and happened that i woke up early, somethin abnormal in my Sunday routine. So i took this afternoon to make this out, a rough styleframe for the CI. Although it's pointless to do now but just wanna make somethin out of it.... no harm doin it! I think he would be happy to see this 5 years ago.....

Since Team Two is an architecture and construction based company, i would like to use some simple geometry object to form up a logo which is similar to the theory of architecture. Complexity built by geometry. Since this logo design is no longer needed so i would make it into a motion graphic piece..... i like things to be animated instead of stills!

Time wil be allocated for completing the whole piece, lookin forward to see the final result as self satisfaction.